Thursday, 26 July 2012

Get organised

So I have planned what I am going to do in each room, the next thing is to get organised. It it no good trying to tackle all the rooms at once as you probably won't finish it in a day and feel like you have achieved nothing.

As I am on leave for several days I have devised a timetable allocated a day or half a day to one room or if it is a large room a section of that room. You have to make your goals realistic and achievable. If you do not have several days in a row available, maybe just the weekend, then do the same. Say to yourself, 'I really need to sort out my filing system this weekend', and make it happen!

Then when you have achieved that goal you will feel so much better and this will motivate you to do more.

I usually reward myself after by doing or having my favourite thing, like eating ice-cream or having a nice bubble bath (as you will need after all that work!)

See you next time for more tips!

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

If you fail to plan

Hi how you doing?

I haven't blogged for a while but thought I'd get back to it - doing what I love - and sharing with you wonderful people out there.

I am on leave for the next few weeks and I really want to get organised in the home so that my creative juices can flow as I had little bit of a block for a while. Organised home, organised mind.

To start with I have set up my office space to work, which has included that of my daughters school books etc so that she can focus and have everything to hand for her last year in primary school. I can focus too and have everything to hand including my art and writing materials.

My tip for you today is that before you start any of this plan plan plan. I took each of my rooms and decided what I wanted to do with the space and even drew a plan so that I could see it visually. I have a small flat so utilising every inch of my space is important.

My motto is if you fail to plan you plan to fail!

See you next time for more tips.

Sunday, 4 March 2012

How to Be Creative: 6 steps - wikiHow

How to Be Creative: 6 steps - wikiHow

Can creativity be taught? That’s a question without a simple yes or no answer. Creativity may not be able to be taught directly, but what you can get better at is frequently aligning the circumstances of life which foster the greatest chances for true creative expression. Creativity is not like a lightning strike, but more like something which manifests itself inside those who learn to foster it and create the right conditions for it to prosper.

LVn2b-God's little messenger by Amarie: Song called We can fear by Amarie

LVn2b-God's little messenger by Amarie: Song called We can fear by Amarie: When the Lord comes to help us he does not hesitate He is full in command Know the Devils fear has to wait What the devil puts inside us ...

'the truth shall set you free' - John 8:32

LVn2b-God's little messenger by Amarie: Poem about following Jesus and Searching God by Am...

LVn2b-God's little messenger by Amarie: Poem about following Jesus and Searching God by Am...: Following Jesus serving his command we have to serve him because he is are God he loves us we love him every single day, we pray to Him ...

'the truth shall set you free' - John 8:32



sometimes you have to be patient that is one thing
 my mum does not have sorry mum but it is very true but
 sometimes I don't have patience as well so like mother like daughter 
sometimes I don't get along with my mum and I also say no allot
 so that makes her feel like I just don't want to do it
 because she asked but its not that at all but I think every body will survive if they have

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou : The Poetry Foundation

Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou : The Poetry Foundation

Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size   
But when I start to tell them,
They think I’m telling lies.
I say,
It’s in the reach of my arms,
The span of my hips,   
The stride of my step,   
The curl of my lips.   
I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,   
That’s me.